Monday, December 12, 2005

So busy...

Things have conspired against me to keep me least for a little while. So for those of you keeping score at home (4 is my count of the number of people I've confirmed having read my little hit and miss blog)...this is day 4 after the last entry. I told you it would be hit and miss. But I've got a plan. Tonight will feature a new post about how much I love Christmas time. Until then...

Hope it's a happy holiday season.


Becky G said...

Yup, I'm one of the 4 that reads your blog. You have a very nice way with words. Just for the record, I am a Navy veteran, but don't hold it against me.


Won't hold that against little brother is in the Navy!

Thanks for reading and keep up the drawing!


Buck said...

You still call Sam "your little brother?" Does he know this? :-)

Lori Renee Fye said...

Make it 5.

AF vet and long-time friend of your dad's