This is an all too common view around here...dust is EVERYWHERE.
This is not unlike last year's adventure in Iraq...but there are some differences:
1. The food isn't as good...which isn't necessarily a bad thing! Last year's fare was significantly better, with a huge selection available, nearly every meal. There was also an ice cream bar and world class cheesecake available every lunch and dinner. Not good. This year...well...let's just say I won't have to worry about that issue!
2. The accomodations aren't nearly as nice. I'm still in a tent, awaiting assignment of a "mod." Mods are modular buildings with about 6 to a room. Last year I was in a trailer, with only one roommate. I actually had more room as an A1C in Desert Storm in the tent I was in back then!
3. Travel and transport around here is much harder to come by. Last year I had a vehicle, this year we're all sharing and getting to chow, the flightline, laundry, etc. is a much bigger production than last year. Also, while we did encounter some of the dusty conditions, all of the roads/streets were paved. Here, not so much.
4. The job is MUCH better this year! Last year I was in charge of a small flight. In fact, the smallest I've ever had in my career as an O. While the responsibilities were there, they weren't that many. This year, well...450+ personnel and 65+ aircraft of 5 different types, in 8 different units...and I'm number 2 in the squadron. I run maintenance and my boss is the squadron commander. MUCH busier...and that is a VERY good thing!! The mission is also much more tangible. Results of our collective efforts are evident EVERYDAY.
5. This deployment is longer...last year's was a quick 125ish days...this year's 185+...although missing the kiddo's B-day was a repeat and the holidays will be a bust again. Oh's what we do...
So those are the major differences...more to follow...
Hope all are well!!
I gotta start coming by more often. It's good to see you're updating more frequently.
I would like to be a pilot someday. Check out my blog. Trueworld
شركة نقل عفش بالدمام شركة موفرز لنقل العفش بالدمام مع الفك والتغليف والتركيب بايدي عمكمالة فنية مدربة على فك وتركيب جميغ أنواع الاثاث على مختلف انواعة وكذلك في شركة نقل عفش بالجبيل لما تتمتع بة الشركة من وجود فريق عمل متكامل بجميع مدن المنطقة الشرقية كوجود شركة نقل عفش بالقطيفو شركة نقل عفش بالاحساء والى جميع انحاء المملكة مع الضمان على المنقولات وتركيب الاجهزة الكهربائية والستائر والمطابخ وغرف النوم والمكيفات الاسبلت والشباك شركة نقل عفش بالجبيل
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